Pastor Neal Mckinney
Lead Pastor, Youth & Young Adults Pastor
Pastor Neal was born and raised in Southwest Ohio to Christian parents that made sure he was involved in their local church. By God’s grace Neal came to a saving knowledge of Jesus when he was 7 years old. During his teenage years Neal felt God’s call on his life into Christian ministry. That calling would become clearer when he was attending Wright State University in Dayton, Oh. While there he was approached to help a church plant establish a youth ministry. During his time working with this newly established church he met Keesha and would begin dating in 1995. On July 12 of 1996 they were married and have since become the parents to their sons Gavin and Chase.
Neal has received his bachelor’s degree in religion from Liberty University and has served in student and young adult ministries since 1992. His hope is to use the spiritual giftings and experience that God has given him to help grow both of these ministries here at FBCPG. His life verse is Philippians 3:10 which states:
“ that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,”
This verse describes what Neal desires to see in the lives of those in ministries he oversees, that they would:
*Know Jesus Intimately
*Live Life Victoriously
*Serve Others Sacrificially
He and his family are delighted to be a part of what God is doing at First Baptist, and are looking forward to all that He has planned.
Pastor Bill Frank
Pastor Bill was born in North East Ohio, where he graduated from Champion High School and met Kathy, his wife of 50 years, who was born in Mississippi and was raised in the same town. Married in 1972, they moved to Port Charlotte and began the journey of raising family; a daughter was born in 1973 and a son in 1984, and the amazing gift from the Lord of three grandchildren.
Our work together is establishing and operating three local businesses, overseeing a children’s ministry, and maintaining a successful marriage in the journey attributed entirely to the amazing grace of a Loving God.
Kathy trusted the Lord as savior at a young age, while Pastor Bill surrendered to the Lord Jesus and made the complete commitment to follow the living Word of God in 1976.
As Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Punta Gorda, God has directed Pastor Bill to stand together with those connected with this ministry to “Make Disciples”, which makes a difference.
As a church body of believers, we are trusting the Lord for three answers to our prayers.
1. The Lord’s favor to reside on the believer and this ministry.
2. For the Lord to send Godly leaders to communicate the life-changing message of Hope and Healing to the community.
3. To send lost hurting souls we can walk alongside into growth and maturity in the Lord.
Being a part of First Baptist Church Punta Gorda is being a part of the greatest news ever to be proclaimed to mankind, through our unique personalities to “BE” the light for the Lord to this city and for this community.
Michele Clary
Administrative Assistant, Children's Ministry/VBS Director
I began believing in God because of my grandmother. She took us all to church every chance she got. She challenged us to learn scripture. I finally gave my life over to Jesus when I was 13. I was at a retreat with my best friend and just felt God calling me.
I strayed away from Him, as many of us do, as I was growing up. I believed in Him, but only went to Him in a crisis. When I met my husband in 2014, my life was on a dark path. With his guidance and with God beside us, we were able to renew our faith with believer’s Baptism. I have never felt freer in my life!
When we moved to Florida, I felt Him calling me to teach youth and children. I began assisting several other director’s and learning from them. I am now working on my bachelor’s degree in Christian Studies.
I look forward to teaching “our” children each week and learning from them. I also look forward to working with all the teachers we have in place to guide and teach them.
As the Administrative Assistant, I look forward to seeing and speaking with the people that I will interact with. I know that this position is a ministry within itself. I look forward to helping all those I can, in whatever way God leads me.
As a widow, I look forward to ministering to and fellowshipping with the widows within our church and beyond.